There are times in life when we feel that we are being trapped in a desert.Everywhere we see we find nothing but only emptiness.This happens as life rolls by.Our inability to take certain decisions,understand ourselves and our inner conflicts disturbs our state of mind.It lingers and we try battling our own negativities each day of our life. It is very essential that we understand the purpose of our existence.Humans are created with limitless possibilities.Often do we fall in danger due to our inner urges,drives and motives.We have to understand that extrinsic motivation can only inspire us.Scaffolding can help us to understand our weakness but unless and until we get into the process of knowing ourselves it works less. I recently watched a movie which may be most of you have watched.It is Peaceful Warrior.The movie speaks so much about life.One of my friend recommended it to me.The movie is adapted from Way of the Peaceful Warrior.It is about Dan a college stud...